
From Simple/Lost/Third Campaign
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Born to fight, dragonborn are a race of wandering mercenaries, soldiers, and adventurers. Long ago, their empire contended for worldwide dominion, but now these honorable warriors remain to pass on their legends of ancient glory from the Uratheric Empire.


Dragon Breath: The dragonborn inherit the amazing ability to spew an elemental breath. Once per day, the dragonborn may use the burst power. At character creation, the element the dragonborn use must be decided and may never be changed. When using the burst power, the dragonborn uses his or her Vigor die in place of a Spellcasting die.

Warm Blooded: Dragonborn have a natural weakness to the opposite of their selected element. Choose an element that was not chosen when taking the dragon breath power. The dragonborn suffers a -4 penalty to resist negative environmental effects.

Scaled Body: A dragonborn's body is covered with a tough hide. Dragonborn gain a +1 to Toughness.

Draconic Vigor: Dragonborn begin play with a d6 in Vigor as opposed to a d4.

Old Grudges: The dragonborns war against the tiefling is the subject of many stories. Dragonborn take a -4 penalty to Charisma when dealing with tieflings.

Isolated: Dragonborn come from Urathear. Many of them hold their culture in such high esteem that they can appear to be clueless about other cultures. When dealing with non-Dragonborn culture, they take a -2 to Common Knowledge rolls.